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Welcome to Nicole's Bookshop where you can find children's books that have inspired kids worldwide!


The Tales of Toby and Milo

The Tales of Toby and Milo by Nicole Marshall. In this fun filled adventure, loyal pets Toby and Milo embark on a hiking trip with their owner, Henry. Milo, the skittish cat comes across many scary animals during his adventure and turns to his best pal Toby and  new fur friend Max for help. Find out how Milo overcomes his fears on this amazing adventure!

Ages: 8-11

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Readers' Favorite Review

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Ebony and Her Crown

Ebony and Her Crown by Nicole Marshall is a story about an adorable toddler named Ebony. She has questions about her big, curly afro and in this charming book, her loving mother is there to answer her questions. Find out what Ebony learns in her day trip with her mother to the hair salon!

Ages: Baby-7

Readers' Favorite Review

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Little Nikki
Her Journey to Self-Love

Little Nikki Her Journey to Self-Love by Nicole Marshall is a book that follows the journey of a young girl who experiences bullying at her school and  her self-esteem is negatively impacted. Find out what little Nikki does in her journey to find self-love!

Ages: Baby-10

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Readers' Favorite Review 

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La Pequeña Nikki
Su Viaje Hacia el Amor Propio

Este libro sigue el viaje de una niña que sufrió bullying en la escuela y lo supera reconstruyendo su autoestima. La historia arroja luz sobre la pureza y la inocencia con la que nacen todos los niños, hasta que entran en un entorno que lentamente atenúa su luz. 

Ages: Baby-10




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